annyong . welcome everybody . don't forget to follow + comment . thx . !
FT Island Pictures, Images and Photos
annyeong haseyo F.T Island . shinee tk lupa jugak .

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

fa , teacher aku macam kau lah .

salam ,
haha . sorry , dah lama tk update bukan . busy kot . ye lah , hari sabtu ada perjumpaan unit beruniform lah . dengan homework yang belambak . ni lah dah masok 2010 . kene usaha je lebih .

oke , hari ape tah , semua form 1 kene pergi dewan sebab agihan kelas . so , kelas lain lain kiranya adil lah sebab dapat murid murid yang sama rata . then jadual kelas pon kene lah agih jugak yer . haha .

dah dapat jadual . so hari isnin ade SEJARAH . yeay ! love it . and ade GEOGRAFI . sebelum ni cikgu sejarah aku nama dia PN.ASLINDA . cikgu ni suruh buat sendiri nota . adoii , kene usaha . cikgu tu duduk diam kat belakang , tengok tingkah laku anak muridnya menulis nota sendiri . cikgu ni tak suke buat nota panjang panjang . dia nak dalam mind map .so buat je lh . amai gile classmate aku tak faham macam mana nk buat . haha .

then , esok esoknya cikgu lain masuk hendak mengajar sejarah . kiranya cikgu baru lah yang mengajar sejarah .
yeay ! aku suke cikgu ni .nama dia PN . MASNANI . hoho ! muka dia macam fatihah @ fa ory kawan aku . oh no ! rindu pulak kat fa time uh . tapi kening cikgu tuh tebal . aku suke budak yang kening tebal . look cute , chumil + cantik . really , sumpah tak tipu fa , cikgu tuh sebijik macam kau . aku cakap lah kat farah ( badak tinggi yang diejek oleh nur aiman , classmate aku ) yang cikgu ni nampak macam fa ory .
then farah cakap , ' entah entah ni mak fa kot . ' aku balas balik ' oii , bukan lah . aku kenal sangat mak fa macam mana .'  . suke hati kau je kan farah , cakap tuh mak fa . tapi really tengok lame lame tuh macam kau lah fatihah .

time uh aku berangan cikgu tuh macam kau , yang aku bayangkan kau jadi cikgu sejarah bila dah besar . best woa belajar dengan cikgu ni . baik , cakap pon baik je . walaupun cakap baik , classmate aku tak de lah nak buat bising mentang mentang cikgu ni baik kn . classmate aku lagi buat lawak ade lah . haha . chumil cikgu tuh time gelak . haha . sukee aku .

p/s ; fa , setiap kali cikgu masuk kelas aku , aku bayangkan tuh kau fa . aku bayangkan kau mengajar aku sejarah . kau dah besar time uh . haha .

Jumaat, 15 Januari 2010

perjumpaan mesyuarat unit beruniform .

salam .
hari ni ade mesyuarat agong perjumpaan unit beruniform . pergh  ! penat gile lah .

aku baca surat mule 9:00 pagi , so it's ok . boleh bangung pukul 8:30 . and then dengar telefon rumah aku berdering like that , kring ! kring ! kring . haha . tengok tengok iffah telefon . iffah tanya , ' wa dah siap ke belum ? ' aku baru je bangun tido ni , ' belom , aku siap pukul 8:00 ' . iffah : ' start pukul 8:00 lh . ' adoii , biar betul . check balik kat surat pukul 9:00 . then aku buat keputusan pukul 8:00 baru aku siap . then aku rasa macam betul je iffah cakap , then massege balik iffah , ckp kau kat mane ? dh bertolak belom ? bukan ke pukul 9:00 ? ' iffah : aku dah bertolak dengan atira , atira tumpang aku . argh ! TIDAK ! aku dah terlambat .

then , siap siap pukol 7:40 , then bergerak ke sekolah . sampai kat sekolah je ade seorang cikgu ni cakap ,
terus ke dewan ye ! . thanks cikgu ! haha . masok dewan , baru je nak mula nanyi kan lagu negaraku , lagu negeri selangor + lagu sekolah . kiranya aku tak terlambat . cuma tak tepati masa . haha .

then aku main baris je barisan pengakap , ye lah , budak terlambat lah kata kan . haha . then dah siap abis semua lagu di nyanyi kn , baru masuk barisan kadet remaja . aku kadet remaja . or dikenali sebagai KRS yah !

then dah masuk barisan , dengar taklimat . bla bla bla and terus mengge-bla . hehe . then dah habis taklimat , pasukan KRS gerak ke gelanggang ( berdekatan dengan padang ) . dah sampai , letak beg masuk barisan .

aku sesi lain . maksod aku aku sesi petang . then di asingkan sesi petang lain , sesi pagi lain . oh no ! ketua yang sesi petang mengawal kawad , gedik gile . amik kau ! . haha . bajet ! . nasib baik kau glamour kat blog aku dengan kutukan . haha . so , nk buat macam mana , ikut je lah .

panas !
hahaha . dah berkawad semua , before pukul 11 , kitaorang semua kena campur sekali dengan budak sesi pagi . so satu barisan panjang . before nak balik , ada tepuk KRS . smart lah jugak tepuk KRS tu . then , dah perfect ( bab kata ketua KRS ) , baru boleh bersurai . ketua ke siapa entah . macam budak form 5 . tinggi , muke dah macam cikgu . haha . pergh ! penat gile .

time balik , tunggu aimi , atira , azira . and jumpa lah classmate aku yang lain , jumpa kawan kawan . then , aimi nak gi kedai mamak . mau makan , sudah lapar and dahaga ! aku nk gi MCD , tp diorang ckp diorang tak de duit sangat and diorang memang nak gi makan kat mamak , so aku follow jeh . then dengar malia + damia panggil . diorang tanya , nak pergi mana ? aku cakap lah nak gi mamak . so , malia and damia pon follow coz diorang pon nak makan gak kat kedai mamak .

dah kenyang makan kat kedai mamak , berjalan ke kedai UNIPRINT . kedai alat tulis , and macam macam ada ! so , pergi kedai tu sebab malia yang nak pergi . so kteorang follow ajeh . then dah beli barang barang yang kitaorang nak beli , pergi balik ke 7Eleven . nak beli air .

then , tengok tengok malia sudah balik . then aku , mia , aimi and atira duduk kat sekolah . tunggu parents . so , dengar kereta ayah aku hon ! . so tengok , ayah aku sedang menunggu . atira and aimi mau tumpang and kesian to damia coz tinggal bersendirian . bukan bersendirian dia sorang je , ade lagi lah budak kat situ . cuma damia sorang je belum balik . so ayah aku hantar lh aimi and atira balik .

haiyyoo ! penat maa ! panas . nabilah dah pengsan . tapi kalau tak pergi kena 10 markah penalty then masuk gol dapat lah mata nye . haha .

okeyh ! ni je kot post aku yang panjang buat kan korang tk interesting . haha . thanks coz sudi baca maa !

Rabu, 6 Januari 2010

311209 Lee Hongki, “First Kiss in Middle School, First Love in High School”

anyyong !

FT Island’s Lee Hongki revealed that his first love was during his high school days, while he had his first kiss when he was still a middle schooler.

Lee Hongki participated in the recording of KBS 2TV “Star Golden Bell” recently and he won the poll “Person of the opposite sex that you will be attracted to the fastest“.

Lee Hongki attracted the attention of other female celebrities during the recording. Brown Eyed Girl member, Narsha, picked Lee Hongki and said that, “I don’t have feelings for someone at his young age but somehow, there’s a feel when I look into his eyes.”

Following this, the MC Ji Seokjin asked, “When did Lee Hongki have his first love?” and he answered, “During the first year of my high school.”

“My first kiss was actually in middle school. However, it was only during my high school days when I found my first love,” Lee Hongki revealed while smiling away.

Story of Lee Hongki’s first love and first kiss will be revealed on “Star Golden Bell” on 2nd January.

* tengok yaaw video tu , tentang first love lee hongki .

[News] FT Island in SINGAPORE , Jan 2010 .

anyyong !

According to the Taiwan media, Korean boyband FT Island will be holding their first concert in Taiwan on 27th February 2010. ( kenape tak birthday aku je , 08022010 =p )

Ticket sales started yesterday at ERA Ticket and a total of 2,500 tickets were sold out within an hour. Their level of popularity was totally unexpected, even by the local fans.

As tickets were quickly snapped up, many fans who were unable to get their tickets to the concert, requested for an additional concert date.

Currently, the event organiser “Trend Tone Net” is checking the possibility of an additional concert date with the Korean liaison.

FT Island debuted in 2007 and their debut album “Cheerful Sensibility” had a total sales of 90,000 copies so far.

  • aku harap sangat band ni SELAMAT kat singapore !
  • good luck !
  • tak nak lah lagi kena halau lagi , macam MALAYSIA tu , malu aku . peminat FT island . haha =))
  • kena halau kan ? ke kena usir ? ke kena keluar . haha

Sabtu, 2 Januari 2010

F. T. Island - 1st Live in Malaysia 2008 , SUNWAY LAGOON amphitheatre .

anyyong yaaw ! salam !

posting coming ! haha . tk banyak kan post . haha malia . post tentang FT Island . diorang buat concert kat SUNWAY LAGO0N .

Korea’s Best New Artiste of 2007, F.T. Island (Five Treasure Island) are headed here March 30th 2008 for an all-live concert at Sunway Lagoon Amphitheatre! Hailing from Korea, F.T. Island is a young and talented band that plays their own instruments and sings with soulful charisma on stage. F.T. Island, with leader Choi Jong Hun (17.guitar), Lee Hong Gi (17.lead vocal), Oh Won Bin (17.guitar.vocal), Lee Jae Jin (16.bass) and Choi Min Hwan (15.drum) shook up the 2007 Korean music industry with their record rise to the top of the charts within a month of their debut and their numerous award wins.

From their distinguishable performing talent and undoubtedly pretty faces comes admirable quality in their music and their tirelessly appealing, rich vocals that just keeps improving with each new song. Through the power of the Korean Wave, they are also gaining recognition in Japan and South East Asia, already making appearances in both Thailand and Japan. Locally, these boys have also stoked the fires here with their debut single “Lovesick” entering local Korean and Japanese chart show climbing to the No.1 spot.

Jumaat, 1 Januari 2010

about SS501 .

anyyong , salam 1Malaysia .

aku saja je kot nak post tentang SS501 . hoho . =0 . kalau tak nak baca , it's ok . if u read , lagi bagus . haha .

SS501 .

meaning of SS501 .
SS , representing Singer , Screen Actor and Superstar .
5 ( 5 members ) , 0 ( infinite ) , 1 ( No. 1 and unique ) .
meaning 501 is 5 members always together . =)

Leader : Kim Hyun Joong
SS501 's viewof Kim Hyun Joong :
Needs to learn how to write ( always writing words  wrongly ) .
Speacial 4th -dimensional way of thinking ( normal people cannot immediately understand what he says )
Honest and cute , but often leaves people at a loss , Hyun Joong is really intersting ..
Likes to be late . ( hoho )
Sleepyhead no . 1 ( in actual fact it's cause he can't be wakened )
Bold but careful .
Reticent , usually expressionless .
Very competent leader .

Prince Heo Young Saeng :
SS501's view Heo Young Saeng ,
Very image -concious
Cares about fashion ( really ? )
Shows his dissatisfaction .
Plenty of hand gestures .
Really like taking photo ( mostly self - camera )
Quiet !
Many good friends .
Doesn't like sports .

Center Kim Kyu Jong :

SS501’s view of Kim Kyu Jong :
Very quiet
Kind-hearted, upright person
Keeps everything to himself
Sighs loudly (always sighing)
Very honest
Loves practicing
Petty, always ridiculing others, gets angry easily
Eats too much rice (At least 2 bowls per meal)
Always the first to wake up, likes to wake up the other members .

Sexy Charisma Park Jung Min :

SS501’s view of Park Jung Min:
Never cleans his room
Online shopping maniac (Example, buying 1 carton of instant noodles)
Will use honorific forms when requesting for something
Falls out with people easily (Especially when his requests are denied)
Hides at the back when everyone’s busy
Bright and cheerful to the extent of “madness”
Likes to pretend to be kind
Smelly feet
Overly careful (too particular)
Good at creating atmosphere
Talks too much
Serious case of “prince” illness
Has the most friends out of the 5 .

Youngest Kim Hyung Jun :

SS501’s view of Kim Hyung Jun:
Very ambitious
Very naive
A kid always pretending to be an adult, always looking like he wants to make fun of people
Daily habitual actions: practice, online gaming, eat, sleep (but he doesn’t do well in gaming)
Hyung Jun’s snores = alarm clock (sometimes he’ll be awakened by his own snores)
Taps his toes when he sings
Stiff body, stomach bulges out, has a small tummy .

p/s : sorry tak letak SS501 picture sebab tetiba je tak bole . kalau letak , nanti semua yang aku taip hilang . =0